Halstead Boiler Replacement

Kent Heating Ltd are Halstead GWA46 replacement
specialists. Our team of highly qualified technicians can
convert existing Halstead boiler systems to comply with
new building regulations and efficiency standards.

Since arrival of the Johnson & Starley Aquair unit, 10 Kw version, Kent Heating has installed this unit as a replacement in the same cupboard as the existing Halstead unit with a base unit and heated ductwork to the existing heating outlets at high and low level.

The Aquair has no gas or flue system so no regulations are required and is heated by a gas boiler in a different position, for example, airing cupboard, loft or outside wall giving more flexibility to siting of the gas boiler. A combination boiler is most commonly used with this installation which provides up to 40% savings on gas consumption, with easy to use controls for the system.

For further information or if you need an estimate please contact us

Does your Halstead
boiler need replacing?

Our experienced and helpful staff will always
be happy to assist you. Get in touch today to
enquire about replacing your boiler.


To ensure our customers receive a high standard of workmanship and professionalism,
our company is accredited and monitored by several trade and industry bodies.